Geophysical Exploration of the Dynamics
and Evolution of the Solar System

Leadership Team


Nicholas Schmerr

Principal Investigator

Nicholas Schmerr

Principal Investigator

Nick is an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland College Park and a planetary geophysicist and seismologist. He uses geophysics to study the internal structure of both Earth and other worlds of our Solar System, with the goal of improving our understanding of how these objects formed, evolved, and to determine the current activity and state of their interiors. Nick is responsible for the management and administration of the GEODES project, and is a member of all four theme topics.

Jacob Richardson

Deputy Principal Investigator

Theme Lead - Magma-Tectonic Systems

Jacob Richardson

Deputy Principal Investigator
Theme Lead - Magma-Tectonic Systems

Jacob is an Assistant Research Scientist at the University of Maryland College Park and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Jacob is a planetary volcanologist who models the timing of volcanism on rocky planets and how lava flows are emplaced and evolve.

Rebecca Ghent

Theme Lead - Regolith Structure and Composition

Rebecca Ghent

Theme Lead - Regolith Structure and Composition

Becky is a Senior Scientist with the Planetary Science Institute. She is interested in geological processes on all planets. She also enjoys living on Earth, and spends her time being outdoors in Portland, OR.

Matt Siegler

Theme Lead - Ice Deposits

Matt Siegler

Theme Lead - Ice Deposits

Matt is a Research Scientist with the Planetary Science Institute. He studies ice in unexpected places: the Moon and Mercury. He also studies ice on Mars. He is currently working on understanding and modeling the thermal stability of ice in the inner solar system.

Patrick Whelley

Theme Lead - Lava Tubes and Void Spaces

Fieldwork Logistics Lead

Patrick Whelley

Theme Lead - Lava Tubes and Void Spaces
Fieldwork Logistics Lead

Patrick is a Research Scientist at the University of Maryland College Park and at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Patrick is a planetary geologist and volcanologist. Patrick manages the GEODES field expeditions to the western United States.

Ernest Bell

Theme Lead - Exploration

Ernest Bell

Theme Lead - Exploration

Molly Wasser

Public Engagement Lead

Molly Wasser

Public Engagement Lead

Molly is the Digital Media Lead for the Solar System Exploration Division at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and ADNET Systems. She shares planetary science with the public through social media, websites, and in-person events (when possible).

Todd Karwoski

IT Lead

Todd Karwoski

IT Lead

Todd is a Faculty Specialist/Computing Assistant at the University of Maryland College Park. He provides IT support for GEODES in addition to maintaining the team website.

GEODES Co-Investigators

Jacob Bleacher

Lava Tubes and Voids, Magma-tectonics

Chief Exploration Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Jacob Bleacher


Debra Buczkowski

Lava Tubes and Voids

Structural Geologist, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Debra Buczkowski


Debra Buczkowski is a research scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. She is a structural geologist and geologic mapper who has analyzed the morphology and kinematics of graben and linear structures on multiple rocky bodies in the Solar System, including, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Eros, Vesta and Ceres.

Lynn Carter


Radar Remote Sensing, University of Arizona

Lynn Carter


Charles Connor


Volcanologist, University of South Florida

Charles Connor


Laura Connor


Computer Scientist, University of South Florida

Laura Connor


Matt Fouch

Magma-tectonics, Data Management

Seismologist, Samara/Data

Matt Fouch


I'm seismologist with deep roots in fieldwork, seismic data analysis, data management, and instrument development. I'm co-founder and Chief Scientist for Samara/Data, which provides a broad range of support (subject matter expertise, software development, project management) to a number of U.S. government agencies and industry partners to ensure a safer and more resilient nation. I'm excited to be part of the GEODES team and lend a hand on a number of the project Themes.

Sander Goossens


Geodesist, University of Maryland Baltimore County

Sander Goossens


David Hollibaugh Baker

Ice Deposits, Magma-tectonics, Data Management

Radar Science, Archivist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

David Hollibaugh Baker


Terry Hurford


Planetary Geodynamicist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Terry Hurford


Lauren Jozwiak


Planetary Volcanologist, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Lauren Jozwiak


Sarah Kruse

Lava Tubes and Voids, Ice Deposits, Regolith

Near-surface Geophysicist, University of South Florida

Sarah Kruse


Vedran Lekic

Regolith, Magma-tectonics

Inversion & Geophysics, University of Maryland

Vedran Lekic


Laurent Montesi

Lava Tubes and Voids, Magma-tectonics

Geodynamicist, University of Maryland

Laurent Montesi


Adam Naids

Lava Tubes and Voids, Magma-tectonics

Hardware Development Engineer, NASA Johnson Space Center

Adam Naids


Ryan Porter

Ice Deposits, Magma-tectonics

Seismologist, Northern Arizona University

Ryan Porter


Derek Richardson


Granular Dynamicist, University of Maryland

Derek Richardson


Derek is a Professor of Astronomy at the University of Maryland. He uses numerical methods to model the formation of planets, the dynamics of planetary rings, the evolution of asteroids, and the behavior of granular materials in low gravity. He is a member of the Regolith theme as a GEODES Co-I and is also Co-I on the NASA DART mission.

Elise Rumpf

Ice Deposits, Magma-tectonics

Volcanologist and UAV Pilot, U.S. Geological Survey

Elise Rumpf


Norbert Schorghofer

Ice Deposits

Permafrost Science, Planetary Science Institute

Norbert Schorghofer


Jessica Sunshine

Ice Deposits, Regolith

Planetary Spectroscopist, University of Maryland

Jessica Sunshine


Nicole Whelley

Field Logistics, Public Engagement

Logistics Specialist, University of Maryland

Nicole Whelley


Danielle Wyrick

Ice Deposits, Lava Tubes and Voids

Structural Geologist, Southwest Research Institute

Danielle Wyrick


Kelsey Young

Lava Tubes and Voids

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Kelsey Young


Kelsey is a Research Space Scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Her research focuses on the integration of science into human exploration. She investigates the science questions, tools, instruments, and operational concepts for the exploration of other planetary surfaces.

Wenlu Zhu

Ice Deposits, Lava Tubes and Voids, Regolith

Experimental Geophysicist, University of Maryland

Wenlu Zhu


GEODES Collaborators

Dave Akin

Lava Tubes and Voids

Spacesuit Design Engineer, University of Maryland

Dave Akin


Maria Banks

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Maria Banks


Caela Barry

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Caela Barry


Michelle (Shelby) Bensi

University of Maryland

Michelle (Shelby) Bensi


David Coan

Lava Tubes and Voids, Magma-tectonics

Spacewalk Officer, NASA Johnson Space Center

David Coan


Barbara Cohen


Planetary Geochronologist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Barbara Cohen


Timothy Glotch


Principal Investigator for SSERVI’s RISE, Stony Brook University

Timothy Glotch


Amanda Hendrix


Principal Investigator for SSERVI’s TREX, Planetary Science Institute

Amanda Hendrix


Huapeng Huang

Lava Tubes and Voids, Ice Deposits, Regolith, Magma-tectonics

Advanced Analyzer Labs, Inc.

Huapeng Huang


I am developing an in-situ X-ray TOMO-XRF system for planetary science under NASA SBIR support. This developing system will be used and evaluated during the Medicine Lake/Lava Beds field expedition in north California.

Harrison Lisabeth


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Harrison Lisabeth


Harry is a Research Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. His expertise is in experimental rock deformation and rock physics with a focus on making measurements at conditions relevant to natural processes. His involvement with GEODES is primarily concerned with assessing the physical properties of lunar materials to aid in the interpretation of geophysical data.

Erwan Marzarico

Ice Deposits

Geodesist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Erwan Marzarico


Clive Neal


Lunar Geochemist, University of Notre Dame

Clive Neal


Mark Panning

Ice Deposits

Seismologist, Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Mark Panning


Alex Parker


Principal Investigator for SSERVI’s ESPRESSO, Southwest Research Institute

Alex Parker


Noah Petro


Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Project Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Noah Petro


Stephen Scheidt

Lava Tubes and Voids, Magma-tectonics

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Stephen Scheidt


Stephen is a research scientist working with the University of Maryland and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Stephen is a field and planetary geologist with specialties in remote sensing, geospatial analysis and the application of small uncrewed aerial systems for image and geophysical measurements.

Lisa Schleicher


U.S. Geological Survey

Lisa Schleicher


Lisa is a geophysicist who works on a variety of topics related to understanding earthquake ground motions, active faulting, and landscape evolution on Earth, as well as Mercury and the Moon. She is currently working with the GEODES group on a lunar seismic hazard analysis and exploring possibilities for Earth-based planetary analog field studies such as geophysical experiments for visualizing fault structure to reduce uncertainties in seismic hazard.

Beck Strauss

Lava Tubes and Voids

Planetary Magnetist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Beck Strauss


Thomas Watters

Smithsonian Institution

Thomas Watters


Renee Weber

Ice Deposits

Planetary Seismologist, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Renee Weber


Shawn Wright


Principal Investigator for SSERVI’s TREX, Planetary Science Institute

Shawn Wright


For SSERVI TREX, Wright aims to compare analog rover data (collected in the field from several instruments) of fine-grained materials to their detailed geologic characterizations to better understand very fine-grained materials on planetary surfaces. For GEODES, Wright volunteered to help with field site selection in eastern Washington state.

GEODES Post-Doctoral Scientists

Sajad Jazayeri

University of South Florida

Sajad Jazayeri


Doyeon (DK) Kim

University of Maryland

Doyeon (DK) Kim


GEODES Graduate Students

Troy Berkey


University of South Florida

Troy Berkey

Graduate Student

Research Vignette

I am a Ph.D. student at the University of South Florida focusing on potential field modeling methods (magnetics and gravity) to visualize subsurface features associated with volcanic landforms, particularly fissure eruptions and their corresponding dikes and sills. My primary aim is to develop automated parameterization codes to increase the output reliability of potential field models developed at USF to identify, evaluate, and characterize these features on Earth and other planetary bodies.

Casey Braccia

University of Maryland

Casey Braccia

Graduate Student

Research Vignette

John Coonan

Lava Tubes and Voids, Regolith

University of South Florida

John Coonan

Graduate Student

Research Vignette

I have only just begun with my research, which is focused on modeling GPR propagation through lunar materials. I aim to use Earth analogues to improve the accuracy of predicted responses and increase our ability to determine subsurface geometries through GPR analysis of Earth's moon.

Joe DeMartini


University of Maryland

Joe DeMartini

Graduate Student

Research Vignette

Joe is a graduate student at the University of Maryland, College Park. He uses the parallel, N-body gravity tree code PKDGRAV, developed in part by his adviser, Derek Richardson, to simulate regolith motion on low-gravity surfaces like asteroids and the Moon.

Naya Deykes

Northern Arizona University

Naya Deykes

Graduate Student

Kathryn Gansler

University of Maryland

Kathryn Gansler

Graduate Student

Research Vignette

Jacob Giles

University of Maryland

Jacob Giles

Graduate Student

Research Vignette

Orion Hon

University of Arizona

Orion Hon

Graduate Student

Research Vignette

Angelica Martinez

Ice Deposits, Regolith

Southern Methodist University/Planetary Science Institute

Angelica Martinez

Graduate Student

I am a geophysics PhD student at Southern Methodist University studying the low-temperature thermal properties of lunar regolith. My work focuses on constraining the thermophysical parameters that influence volatile stability in near-polar craters, particularly those that contain permanently shadowed regions.

Mariam Naseem

University of Maryland

Mariam Naseem

Graduate Student

Research Vignette

Yisha Ng

Lava Tubes and Voids

Arizona State University, NASA Johnson Space Center

Yisha Ng

Graduate Student

Yisha is an MS student at Arizona State University studying Mechanical Engineering with an interest in engineering hardware for planetary exploration. She is also a Graduate Pathways Intern at NASA Johnson Space Center working on EVA Tools.

Cosmo Varah-Sikes


University of Maryland

Cosmo Varah-Sikes

Graduate Student

Research Vignette

I am an incoming graduate student at the University of Maryland College Park associated with the Department of Geology. My upcoming research will include the remote sensing of a compositionally unique lunar deposit in order to determine its petrologic origin.

Mackenzie White

Lava Tubes and Voids, Ice Deposits, Public Engagement

Southern Methodist University/Planetary Science Institute

Mackenzie White

Graduate Student

I am a PhD student in geophysics with Southern Methodist University/the Planetary Science Institute and currently a visiting graduate researcher at UCLA. My research focuses on planetary heat flow primarily on the Moon and Mars. I am on the NASA InSight and Mars 2020 Science Teams and involved in science communication.

Linden Wike

University of Maryland

Linden Wike

Graduate Student

Research Vignette

Edward Williams

University of Maryland

Edward Williams

Graduate Student

Research Vignette